Print and Collateral Marketing

Print and Collateral Marketing: Forbes magazine characterizes “print as primal.” Paper is ingrained in human experience, dating back to the earliest civilizations. Seeing a brochure or other printed piece on a screen doesn’t deliver the same tactile fulfillment as holding it in your hand. Print collateral builds and strengthens relationships and as a “leave-behind” will extend your presence. A variety of marketing materials such as brochures, leaflets, flyers, door hangers, posters, etc can help to accomplish that for your business and leverage your other marketing strategies.
Display and Outdoor Marketing: Whether you are just starting a small business or are an established company that has been around for years, there is no denying the fact that display advertising plays an important role by making a strong visual impact upon your prospective customers. From billboards to point-of-sale displays, they remain a valuable type of advertising that often leads to more sales. They are yet again another method to establish a brand, elevate your perceived value relative to the competition, and message a new audience or cement an existing audience.
Direct Mail and Postcards: Mail is tangible. The format is familiar. And can be personalized. Each direct mail campaign can be tailored for a specific audience, from long-time customers to new prospects sourced from easily purchased mailing lists. Recipients are presented with offers or information that meet their individual needs or buying habits. And perhaps the biggest advantage of direct-mail advertising is that it is highly targeted and measurable with of potential customers. And, it is typically run in conjunction with an online marketing campaign.
Promotional Merchandising: Personalize your brand with merchandise that your clients can display at their businesses or in their homes. This is a proven and effective marketing method that will capture people’s attention and help draw in potential customers over time. Promotional products give a unique and creative flair to your business advertising campaigns. And because they are unique, promotional products help your company stand out from your competitors. For a modest investment, a small business can obtain the type of exposure normally reserved for large companies with significant advertising budgets.
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